Lily the Woodland fairy and Nell the security pixie have to try their hardest to protect Hooty the owl from being bird napped, but with a hungry wolf, an angry woodcutter and a very deranged wizard… Will they succeed? Did I mention that the future safety of all the woodland creatures depends on their victory?
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Artist/ Illustrator’s Bio A great passion of mine is watching little faces light up when they see my illustrations and when they become enchanted by the stories I tell them. In fact recently I was asked… ‘If you could have any super power what would it be?’... My reply was that I would like to have a wand that would zap people with happiness. To see people laugh and smile is all anybody really wants. Also if you made ‘baddies’ smile they would no longer want to be ‘baddies’. The Wolf, The Wizard and The Woodcutter story carries the moral ‘Always be friendly and treat others as you in turn would like to be treated’ a great lesson for all ages. The main inspiration for the book is my nieces, Lily and Nell.